Thursday, August 30, 2018

Measles Rubella Vaccines : Healthy Life Is The Right Of Every Child

"Healthy life is the right of every child"

The MR immunization campaign is carried out during August-September 2017 for all regions in Java and August-September 2018 for all regions outside Java. In August, MR immunization is given to school-age children in schools (elementary / MI / equivalent, junior high school / MTS / equivalent), and in September is given at Posyandu, Puskesmas and other health facilities for babies and children who have not attended school and school-age children who do not attend school.
In order to make this campaign a success, the Ministry of Health has provided 4,777,150 MR vaccines along with syringes and supporting logistics, the Technical Implementation guide book, as well as the Communication, Information and Education (KIE) material used as a medium of socialization to the public.

Vaccines used for national immunization programs including MR vaccines, are produced by Bio Farma and have fulfilled international standards for aspects of quality, safety and efficacy, making it safe to provide. This vaccine has received a recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) and distribution authorization from the POM. MR vaccine is 95% effective for preventing measles and rubella. This vaccine is safe and has been used in more than 141 countries in the world.
This year, a total of 6 provinces, 119 districts / cities and 3,579 Puskesmas will carry out a campaign with a total target of children aged 9 months to less than 15 years who will be given MR immunization totaling 34,964,384 children.

Then What are MR and MMR vaccines?
Measles and Rubella are infectious diseases transmitted through the airways caused by viruses. Measles and rubella (MR) vaccines prevent diseases caused by measles (measles) and rubella (German measles). While MMR, is a vaccine to prevent the occurrence of measles, mumps (mumps), and rubella. Measles symptoms begin with high fever, children appear to be seriously ill, cough and runny nose, can be found vomiting and diarrhea. Other symptoms of a reddish rash begin with the face and whole body, reddish and watery eyes, and broken lips. In certain children when experiencing a high fever will trigger seizures. After the fever falls, the spots turn blackish brown and will disappear a few days to weeks later. This disease can cause complications in the lungs and brain.
Statistical data shows the number of measles patients in 2010-2015 as many as 23,164 cases, and Rubella cases in 2010-2015 were 30,463. Data in the last 5 years shows that 70% of rubella cases occur in the age group <15 years. This virus is very contagious, causing an outbreak. MR virus can affect pregnant women. If the virus attacks in the first trimester (0-3 months of pregnancy) it can lead to miscarriage. If the virus attacks pregnant women in the second trimester, it will cause congenital rubella syndrome which is characterized by a small head size, blindness, deafness and mental disability....

When a person is affected by measles, 90% of people who interact closely with sufferers can get infected if they are not immune to measles. A person can be immune if he or she has been immunized or infected with the measles virus. In 2000, more than 562,000 children per year died worldwide due to complications of measles. The provision of measles immunization and the various efforts that have been made, in 2014 deaths from measles decreased to 115,000 per year, with an estimated 314 children per day or 13 deaths per hour.

This vaccine can be given to children aged 9 months to less than 15 years. MR vaccines need to be given to children to prevent measles and rubella, and prevent their spread to other children. This virus causes significant death and disability in children in Indonesia and in the world, so to kill this virus globally, a mass vaccine is needed for children in Indonesia.

basic material

According to the Indonesian Minister of Health, MR immunization is not haram because it is made from chicken eggs (chicken embryos) so that it can be used without any objection to its halalness.
In the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) No. 4 of 2016 concerning Immunization. This fatwa answers the doubts of Muslims to carry out immunization, which states that immunization as a preventive concept is contrary to religious provisions, especially endeavors. However, the skill is required by using halal vaccines. Regarding Rubella vaccine, now the vaccine used for MR immunization has not been certified halal.
In the event that someone who is not immunized will cause death, serious illness, or permanent life-threatening disability, based on the consideration of competent and trusted experts, the legal immunization is mandatory.

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